FAM announces successful year-end results

FAM continues to help senior citizens and families stay housed and healthy

SAN CLEMENTE, CA – Family Assistance Ministries (FAM), an interfaith non-profit which helps community members bridge the gap from dependency to self-reliance, reported its financial results and highlights for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022.  “We are encouraged with the progress we’ve made this year to help those at risk stay housed, prevent hunger and build self-reliance skills building healthier families and communities,” said Elizabeth Andrade, CEO of FAM. 

Fiscal year highlights

  • Over 30,000 unique people assisted in our communities

  • Over 150,000 encounters that helped people in need in our community and 8,800 hours dedicated to helping people build self-reliance skills

  • 2.1 million pounds of food were distributed to seniors, working families and community members who had a qualified need and a plan to become self-reliant

  • 232 individuals were housed in FAM’s emergency and transitional shelter

  • $850,000 spent in client aid including utilities, transportation, prescriptions, and Homeward Bound

  • FAM provided over $3.7 million in aid to keep residents housed, thereby avoiding homelessness

San Clemente’s Resource Center

At a recent San Clemente City Council meeting many members of the San Clemente community were able to share their views of FAM with the City Council.   FAM’s heritage began in 1999 when several San Clemente residents identified a need and rallied together to make a difference. For over twenty years, FAM has built an interfaith, inclusive community of volunteers and donors who support FAM’s mission.  These dedicated individuals have donated their time, talent, and treasure to help support those in need.  It is these faces of San Clemente who have made FAM San Clemente’s hub of hope that it is today.

Kirk Steele, FAM Board Member and resident of San Clemente commented, “I started volunteering at FAM with the thought I would be helping people less fortunate than myself. While I hope that occurred, I soon found that the act of serving others changed me. I am today a much more empathetic person, less concerned with finding faults in others and more inclined to see their good.”

At the July 19, 2022, San Clemente City Council meeting, the Council voted to extend FAM’s lease through April 2024.  The council meeting overflowed with FAM supporters proudly dressed in FAM shirts as a collective display of support and unity.  Several long-time community members spoke on behalf of FAM, sharing their experiences and pleading for the city to allow FAM to continue its integral work in the city of San Clemente.  

“I have been blessed to have had a great life with a wonderful family, plenty of food, and a comfortable home.  I have witnessed so many people that have gone through FAM without those blessings. In my 10 years associated with FAM, I am so grateful and proud that God has given me the ability to help others in need volunteering and on the board of directors at FAM,” said Dick Veale, FAM Board Member and long-time resident of San Clemente.

Keep FAM in San Clemente

From the beginning, FAM and San Clemente have been tightly intertwined. As FAM continues to search for a new, permanent building, one of its top priorities is to stay in San Clemente. The impact that has been made in the community goes back to its origin, and the ties that have been made with community members who grew FAM into what it is today are invaluable. This will be a serious operational challenge for FAM.  “After 23 years in San Clemente, we need the community’s support more than ever.  We hope to be able to purchase our existing building or achieve a long-term lease with the city.  If neither are possible then we will explore other sites in San Clemente and if are not successful we will consider relocating as a last resort,” commented Andrade. 

San Clemente community members and former FAM Board Member Avarelle Silver-Westrick summed up FAM’s value to the San Clemente community, “FAM transforms and saves lives.  These are the words that I have heard consistently from FAM's clients over the years.  Having been a board member for ten years, I can say whole-heartedly that I am so very proud of FAM.  I continue to be awed by FAM's accomplishments.”


About Family Assistance Ministries

Based in San Clemente, California, Family Assistance Ministries (FAM) is an interfaith charitable non-profit organization assisting those in need in Orange County with resources for food, shelter, and personalized supportive counsel and aid, helping community members bridge the gap from dependency to self-reliance.


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